Natural fireworks for a “no bang” bonfire night!

Have a go at making some flaming twizzling twirlers for bonfire night!  38 fireballs-1

Thread brightly coloured leaves onto long sticks (dogwood is great as it thin and straight) Tie a piece of string around a small stick and cover with clay to make a ball.  Stick your bright leafy sticks into the ball to make a star.  Hang from a tree, twist and release.  Watch it spin just like a Catherine wheel

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This twirler was made by sticking lots of brightly coloured leaves onto a paper plate with PVA glue.  Once dry cut the plate into a snail/spiral and hang in the wind.

More instructions on fun things to do on bon-fire night look at “The Wild Weather Book”, The Stick Book, or the Wild City Book!

Look what has appeared in Magdalen Woods, totally awesome!

Just look at these incredible sculptures and natural play things that have appeared overnight in Magdalen woods!

Many thanks to all the students of Architecture at Oxford Brookes University, for being so creative and inventive.  Your work is awesome and truly inspirational.  Hopefully loads of people will have fun discovering their magic.

Relaxing on the dragon after all the hard work


The Sky Pavillion












The Music Room











The Giant Mushroom












The Tin can rubbish bin!


Just Awesome!  Fiona entering another world


Beach art and games in the city

DSC02388 DSC02398DSC02374We had lots of fun in the sand today on the south bank of the Thames near London’s Royal Festival Hall.  Thanks to Muddy Puddles for inviting us to join them for beach art and games in the city.

Thank you to all the families who came along despite the rain.  We were so impressed by their creativity and imaginations – they made wonderful animals and aliens, huge funny feet, ball runs wrapped around trees and even a volcano. There are lots more fun ideas for beaches everywhere in the Beach Book.

We are still running our Funny Feet competition with up to 50 copies of The Beach Book to be given away.  Try making gruffalo feet, monster feet,alien feet, dragon feet, animal feet or fancy shoes for giants and tweet photos to @quartoplays with #funnyfeet for a chance to win a Beach Book

What a lot of funny feet!

Look at all the funny feet that appeared on Weymouth Beach!  Feel inspired?  Make your own pair and tweet a photo before 5th August to @quartoplays with #funnyfeet to win a copy of The Beach Book.   50 books to give away as prizes!

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Mr and Mrs FROG

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Lots of making and creating.  Water is the Key apparently

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Happy Feet!  funny feet-31

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Funky Chicken feet funny feet-15

Scary Pterodactyl feet  funny feet-12 funny feet-20