Here is one of several “screenfree” activities to try over the Easter holidays.
If there are any eggs left after you’ve done your egg rolling, have fun drawing patterns on them using wax crayons. Next soak them overnight in a mixture of diluted vinegar and food colouring. In the morning you should have a beautiful collection like this.
If you are worried about them breaking, try hard boiling them first, or make a small hole in the top and bottom of the egg and blow hard (remembering to put a bowl underneath first!) to remove all the contents. These beautiful blown eggs can be used for mobiles or treasure hunts; keep an eye on this website for tips on these things in more challenges soon!
Remember, if you send us a photo of your extremely eggy eggs you may win a signed copy of one of our books. If you tweetm, use the hash tags #screenfree and #goingwildnet