The sun is out and it has finally stopped raining! This weekend should be the perfect time to get out for a few hours and do a screenfree challenge so why not go on a spring flower scavenger hunt. Actually this is a slight cheat as the challenge is really to get outside as you may need a screen to do this challenge!
This was how my local churchyard looked this morning.
Go out to the park, woods church yard or garden and see how many different flowers have decided to pop up their heads while it was raining and we weren’t looking! I took my phone out with me and took a photo of every new flower I found so I could check I hadn’t already seen it and couldn’t cheat while counting!
My score was 24, and I think I may try and add to that tomorrow by going on another walk somewhere completely different. Can anyone beat my score? Tweet #screenfree or send us a message here if you do and you may win a signed copy of one of our books. No cheating we want photographic evidence!!