Summer holiday “screenfree” challenges – Try on some monster feet or giants boots. Let’s start a GoingWild fashion craze!

Wherever you are this summer holidays, why not give yourself some monster feet or giants boots?  These attracted a lot of attention on the beach and every passer by just had to try them on.  A great photo opportunity.

You could make them out of sand, mud, rocks, sticks, leaves anything that takes your fancy.  Make big boots, dainty silhouettes, emerald green ones or pretty pink petal ones.  See who comes along and tries them on, share your photos with us, up-load them to facebook (Going Wild), tweet them (@goingwildnet) #goingwildnet…….

Let’s start a Going Wild monster foot fashion craze!

monster feet-2 monster feet

The summer holidays have arrived, don’t fear if you love them or hate them Going Wild can help entertain the kids!

You don’t need to go on expensive holidays, you don’t need to spend loads of money on exhausting days out, you don’t even need to go very far from home, and if you live in a town or a city our new book “The Wild City Book” means you don’t even have to make a trip out to the countryside to have fun in the wild world.

In fact you need never hear the words “I’m bored again”.

All you need to do is get hold of one of our books and set off for some wonderful wild adventures.  Our books are packed with practical ideas to tempt children away from screen based entertainment for a few hours, so that the wild world might weave its magic upon them.

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And just in case you have forgotten, we have been busy writing books for everyone  so you have a huge choice…Nature’s Playground (for the younger ones), Go Wild (for the wild camping bushcraft types), Make it Wild (for the creative souls), Run Wild (if you have a group of friends you want to play with), The Stick Book (for stick fanatics- isn’t that everyone?!), The Wild Weather book (if the sun doesn’t shine) and the Wild City Book (for all those urbanites)!

There is now no excuse to be bored this summer, step outside and have fun GOING WILD!

This weekend #screenfree challenge – Bottle some magic smelly potions or petal perfumes, who is the better smeller?

The sun in shining and nature’s scents are intoxicating. Why not go on a smell hunt and see if you can make some really smelly potions?  Collect fallen petals, camomile, freshly mown grass, add water then get stuck in squashing and squishing them between fingers or even toes!  Now for the challenge; blindfold your mum, dad, granddad, teacher or friends and see if they can recognise the smells, who is the better smeller?  Make a magic one and see what happens!

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HELP! The bluebell wood elves commander is stuck in the big wide world. Spread the word and go and look for him.

Last weekend while walking in our local woods, I stumbled across a small bottle with a message inside, half hidden in the roots of a large beach tree, with the words “Read Me” written on the outside….

message in bottle-2

The incredible thing was that loads and loads of people had walked past the bottle that day not noticing it.  The truth is most people walk around in this beautiful world with their eyes closed, even when they were on a walk to look at the amazing bluebells!

LUCKILY I saw it and I am appealing to all of you to help NOW.  This is what the message said ……message in bottle-5



I am writing to tell you about us. Who you might say? The little tiny elfs of the bluebell woods, please try not to step on us.  Anyway our commander is stuck in the big wild world please save him and help us, maybe by looking for him.  Thank you!!!!! from Mrs Bell.”

Can you go out and look for him, it’s half term, that means no school, that means plenty of time to go searching?  Get your friends out, Tweet, post on facebook, use the technology of the big wide world to rescue the commander and get a whole search party hunting!

This weeks screen free challenge is to walk around with your eyes open, look all around, on the ground, up in the trees and you most definitely will come across wonderful things you never knew existed, and you just might find the bluebell wood elf commander!

If you find him, please report back to me straight away (a message on this website will do, you don’t have to leave it in a bottle) and I will go to the bluebell wood and tell the elves.

QUICK we don’t have much time.  The bluebells are dying and won’t come back again till next year!

Weekend “screen free” challenge No 15 – Make a rain shadow

This weekend the weather forecast is for rain showers.  The perfect weather for this weeks “screen free” challenge, making a rain shadow.  Remember we are not talking about going on a total screen ban,  just try putting down those screens for an hour or so  on Saturday and Sunday and rush outside for an exciting outdoor adventure.  Given freedom to enjoy time outside, children learn new skills, find out about judging risk, and become healthier.  Young people equally at ease with technology and nature will be better equipped for life.

Rain Shadows-2

Before it rains, lay a large plastic sheet over a patio or the pavement.  Run outside when the rain starts; remove the sheet and lie down. Jump up and photograph your rain shadow.

Try and make them as amusing as you can and then post your images on twitter using the #screenfree and #goingwildnet for a chance to win a signed copy of one of our books.

Can you trick the birds, make a nest so good a bird may like to lay its eggs in it? Easter holiday “screenfree” challenge no 14

Do you think these are real eggs or chocolate ones?  Connie made this nest; I think she tricked us and maybe even the birds!

birds nest 2Can you make one like it?  A bird would want a strong frame made from bendy twigs.  They would like it lined with a comfy mattress, such as springy green moss, and perhaps a soft feather pillow.

You could hide your nests in the garden or park to make a chocolate egg hunt with a difference!

Email or tweet a photo of your nests using #screenfree or #goingwildnet for a chance of winning a signed copy of one of our books full of loads of other fun outdoor adventures.

Make your own Egg smashing Easter Egg treasure hunt! Easter holiday “screenfree” challenge no 13 –

More egg smashing fun! Can you make an Easter egg treasure hunt for your friends?

  • The first and perhaps the most fun thing is to blow your eggs.  You will need as many eggs as you want clues.  Make a small hole in the top and bottom of the egg and blow gently over a bowl; you should catch the contents and be able to make an omelet for lunch.
  • egg hunt-5egg hunt-6 egg hunt-3 egg hunt-2Next work out where you want to make your trail.  Start at the end and work in reverse order hiding the treasure (chocolate eggs, yum yum??) first.



  • Walk a little way, get one of your blown eggs, write a clue on a tiny piece of paper for where you have just hidden your treasure.  Roll the paper tightly and push it through one of the holes .  The only way to get the clue out and read it now is to smash it!  Now hide this egg.
  • Walk on and do the same with another egg but this time the clue should lead them to the spot where you hid the last egg.



  • Go on laying clues inside eggs until the beginning and write a clue to give to your friends or family.


  • They then rush around, reading the clues, guessing where to find the next clue and having fun smashing eggs on heads on route!

If you send us a photo or tweet using hash tags #screenfree and #goingwildnet you may win a signed copy of one of our books!

Easter holidays “screenfree” challenge no 12 – Colour those eggs!

Here is one of several “screenfree” activities to try over the Easter holidays.

If there are any eggs left after you’ve done your egg rolling, have fun drawing patterns on them using wax crayons.  Next soak them overnight in a mixture of diluted vinegar and food colouring.  In the morning you should have a beautiful collection like this.

egg huntIf you are worried about them breaking, try hard boiling them first, or make a small hole in the top and bottom of the egg and blow hard (remembering to put a bowl underneath first!) to remove all the contents. These beautiful blown eggs can be used for mobiles or treasure hunts; keep an eye on this website for tips on these things in more challenges soon!

Remember, if you send us a photo of your extremely eggy eggs you may win a signed copy of one of our books.  If you tweetm, use the hash tags #screenfree and #goingwildnet

Can you roll or catch an egg without it breaking? – Easter holidays “Screen free” challenge No 11

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Easter “Screenfree” challenge no 11 – Challenge your friends and family to an egg rolling or egg catching competition 

Out for an evening walk to enjoy the increased evening light we came across a group of cub scouts throwing painted hard-boiled eggs down the hill.  Some eggs broke quickly (much to the delight of the red kites which swarmed down to gobble them up!) and others seemed to survive throw after throw.  Much fun being had by all; it felt like the beginning of summer.

How about upping the stakes this Easter?  Why not roll eggs that haven’t been hard boiled?  Or play a game of egg catch.  Can you catch that egg without it breaking?!